If your heading to Idaho for peak spring flows with a crew composed of post-injury/recently recovered and severely out of practice paddlers, dont expect to go big cause that shits scary and you probably wanna be feeling frisky for that. However, you can expect to have a kick ass time. Traveling light armed only with an iphone and some borrowed kayaks, highlights (w/notable quotes) included:
- Paddling an often overlooked section of the South Fork Payette - spicy take-out rapid terminating in steamy hot springs with Captain Bob at the helm -> "Should we scout? Nope? OK, Bobs going? Whered he go?"
- Sleeping on a tarp in a cave on the owyhee while transitioning into the first days of summer -> Day 1: drysuit, cold breeze, Day 2: shorts + flip flops + too many hot cans of PBR = sunburn and a big smile -> "Beer me."
- A rowdy night in Boise partying with The Black Lips and The Banks Mag crew at Neurolux -> "Did you see the crowd attacking security at the show? Who threw that beer? Oh shit there are beers flying everywhere!"
Now back in WNC the summer is in full swing and things here seems smaller. . ."is the green running?" Hope you have been taking photos and video cause The 7th Annual HOMEGROWN Photo/Video Contest is scheduled for Sat Aug 27 ->> details coming real real soon -