With some time to kill after a rafting season and before an unknown winter, Mike "Turbo" Goglin, Mamoth's own Sean Turner and myself embarked upon a world class adventure scouring the northwest for anything even remotely like fun. Armed with some digital technology we were even able to capture some fun to share with the world.

Three men, a black dog named Malcolm X-magnet Steamer, a minivan, three kayaks, one raft, and two skateboards; our first stop coming out of Ashland, the upper Klamath.

From there we ventured south to run the Pit river, a section that has been damned for quite awhile and is beginning to have scheduled annual releases. There we found miles of class III-IV creeky whitewater, with one big fun drop in the middle.

Our next stop, the north Cali coast to visit Cap'n Bob and check the surf. On the way, we tried to hop on a section of the Trinity but were skunked on hitching our shuttle. On the positive side, I did almost witness a domestic dispute in a small trailer park while trying to hitch.

In Crescent City we found the Cap'n in good spirits and ready to roll. Mission 1, catch, kill, and eat the hell outa some crabs. Not a bad way to go. Day two, we set sail upon a short section of the Smith river, rafting and fishing for Salmon, as we'd heard they'd just began to run. Due to the previous nights rainfall, rivers were up, and salmon were down. Skunked again.

With great 6-8 foot waves crashing constantly less than a mile from Cap'n Bob's, we were guaranteed not to get skunked on the surf. We found two days of great waves and blue skies, ate some of Bob's famous clam chowder, and finished the loop back to Ashland through some of the world largest redwoods.

Next stop, 4 day raft/fish trip on the Rogue, and then, maybe, begin the search for winter employment.
