"Love to all the injuries," Ian Lateef Cannon.

"Dislocated on the Bottom Moose Oct 2010.Gotta love it. Surgery needed to repair it," Joe Kadelak.

"My first 60 foot waterfall, a sudden gush of water in the boils upon landing leading to my upper lip folding up over my face. At least that is what it felt like," Carl Jacks.

"This photo doesn't look that bad at all, but it's of me after i was pulled off the river after I had dislocated my shoulder on march 13. It has been 23 days and 16 hours since I last paddled. Please give me a reason to keep going on and send me a t-shirt," Bethany Overfield.
The next 3 are from Mark Evans, we sent him a hoodie for this -

"From a snowboarding crash that I had last January attempting a 60 ft. road gap in the Wasatch backcountry. All in all, this is the list of my injuries: Compound shattered calcaneus (heel), tibial plateau fracture, fibula fracture, L2 burst fracture, sternum fracture, pulmonary contusions, and collapsed lungs. I now have 10 pins, 3 plates, and cadaver bone in my foot, 9 screws and a plate in my tibia, and 4 screws, 2 brackets, and a bone graft from my pelvis fusing my L1 2 and 3 vertebrae," Mark Evans. You can see a video of his crash here . . .

"Zack's shoulder popped out on Beavers Falls on the Eagle section of the Beaver in NY. We put his shoulder back in on the river and he hiked out. Once at the car we immobilized the shoulder with the only available material, a cam strap," Patrick Griffin

"I fired a 1/2" staple from a spring-loaded staple gun into the bone of my left index finger...not a bad injury but still a cool picture," Matt Dalton.

"My buddy Josh and I were tandem surfing, when I flipped while he was 360ing. The front of the boat caught me in the mouth and knocked my front four teeth straight back. Using my tongue I pushed them back straight and held them in," Ty Caldwell.

"Believe it or not I rolled up after this rock encounter of the first kind, " Johnny Newsome.

"I cut my foot open loading boats at the New River in West Virginia. I fell off the top of a rafting bus down into the edge of the river. I eventually got a staph infection in the cut and suffered some nerve damage. I haven't paddled barefooted since," Sam England.