Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Realized through a process of digital + manual cutting and pasting, in conjunction with a marginally functional copy machine from 1982, and bound together with dental floss, The Purple Boat Journal carries on the time-honored tradition of homemade magazines. Teamscum affiliates The Nomadic Loiterers sent us this interesting little ditty. We will be posting it in 3 parts over the next few weeks. Here's the cover and first 4 pages - enjoy.

>> I suggest clicking the thumbnail to get a good look at it >>

". . .we hope this magazine is both entertaining and educational, or at the very least, entertaining."

". . .stay away from $5 truckstop showers. Consider the cost, not the price."

"Topo don't: Let it become a two-ton rain gauge, sitting on top of your car all night."

". . .having a dog not only provides you with a loyal friend, but a source for fresh meat if the need should arise."

Part 2 coming soon. . .

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