Tuesday, June 8, 2010

PBJ pt. 2

Weighing in a 22.9 grams and measuring 5.5 x 4.25 inches, here are pages 7-18 of the 1st edition of The Purple Boat Journal brought to you via The Nomadic Loiterers. Also, an informative video offering some vague explanations courtesy of pmaxx. Click on images for full sized view.

"Drive for approx. 1.5 hours, unwrap, and savor the flavor. . . "

"Boasting big fun waterfalls, a remote wilderness feeling, and definitely no regrets (unless you're swimming in the cave at Twilight), Overflow is a creek sure to keep you occupied but not terrified."

"Holes can get sticky at 2 feet and higher, recently resulting in some swimming that left the paddlers' boats taking the economy trip down the rest of the river. . ."

"Overflow creek is part of the heeadwaters of the Chattooga, and has been run from its put-in to the take out of section IV in one day. . ."

SHUTTLE BUNNY'S GUIDE =>> "Make sure you have enough gas as it is an hour of total driving to the top and back, with few gas stations nearby. . ."

"Make special brownies in the dutch oven. . ."

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