I woke up and checked gauges and resigned myself to the fact that i would going to school instead of kayaking on the first day of the fall creekin' season. But I got a call from Wilcox and it did not take much convincing to get me to blow off school and throw my kayaking gear in the van instead of my school books. I have been kayaking for a couple years now but I have never seen torrents of exploding water like I saw yesterday, standing holes with foam piles double overhead are mind blowing. No pictures of kayaking but i'm sure any kayaker would appreciate something like this. If you can name the place I got a free TeamScum T-shirt for you, email me at arlynag@hotmail.com if you know where it is.

I got my mustache on for the Green Race
Thats easy, its our local SC park and huck. Lower Whitewater. See you later Arlyn.
ReplyDeleteps still got your L-bow pads