Monday, December 5, 2011

methods: discharge printing

Last year we opened up green light Ink screen printing and moved the international teamscum production/distribution facility from a 250 sq ft "shed" to a fully functional (and spacious) print shop. This gave us some room to experiment a little - this is a short montage hilighting the discharged boof hoodies we just printed up ->


Discharge ink removes pigment from the garment similar to 'bleaching' - as opposed to smearing a thick layer of plastic on top on the fabric. This leaves a completely permeable/breathable print, although to get this to work you gotta do a little alchemy. Weigh out the ink, add 10% discharge agent, throw in a little pigment, mix thoroughly and let sit for about 30 minutes




At first the ink just looks like a wet spot.
Then as it moves through the dryer it slowly starts to reveal itself.


For the process to work its gotta go through a pizza oven type dryer with forced air for 3 minutes.


Then you get this cool effect - notice how you can see the garment fibers through the ink -

You can pick these up
online right now at

PS. HOLIDAZE BLOWOUT $ALE - - > > Thurs Dec 8th

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

brian says it's worth every step

big creek that is. 60 minutes from asheville, easy hike, pristine water quality, one car shuttle, and more rapids then you can name what's not to like about that? It ran a couple few times over the summer and im pretty sure i made it out to waterville each time. Seems like i usually run this thing when its near freezing with overcast skies so it was a real treat to catch it without the miserable conditions. I even had a chance to hike down into the headwaters from the AT over the summer that was super cool! Anyway check out a couple shots.

Before it becomes Big Creeksee yall at the green race


Tuesday, October 25, 2011



There is no better excuse to overuse free Photoshop splatter brushes than Halloween - And there is no better way to kick off an extended Halloween weekend than to attend RESONANCE OF THE UNDERWORLD THURS OCT 27 at BLEND GALLERY/HOOKAH LOUNGE




In other related news, as an homage to the late great horror punk group, we have some new teamscum/misfits inspired stickers, for free as always - >


You can pick these up Thurs night at Blend or send an SASE to:

172 highlands sq dr #127
hendersonville, nc 28792
usa, planet earth

And we will leave with this vintage misfits footage to get you fired up for the upcoming weekend -

Friday, October 14, 2011

Teur de'fun, dos mil once, muy bueno

With some time to kill after a rafting season and before an unknown winter, Mike "Turbo" Goglin, Mamoth's own Sean Turner and myself embarked upon a world class adventure scouring the northwest for anything even remotely like fun. Armed with some digital technology we were even able to capture some fun to share with the world.

Three men, a black dog named Malcolm X-magnet Steamer, a minivan, three kayaks, one raft, and two skateboards; our first stop coming out of Ashland, the upper Klamath.

From there we ventured south to run the Pit river, a section that has been damned for quite awhile and is beginning to have scheduled annual releases. There we found miles of class III-IV creeky whitewater, with one big fun drop in the middle.

Our next stop, the north Cali coast to visit Cap'n Bob and check the surf. On the way, we tried to hop on a section of the Trinity but were skunked on hitching our shuttle. On the positive side, I did almost witness a domestic dispute in a small trailer park while trying to hitch.

In Crescent City we found the Cap'n in good spirits and ready to roll. Mission 1, catch, kill, and eat the hell outa some crabs. Not a bad way to go. Day two, we set sail upon a short section of the Smith river, rafting and fishing for Salmon, as we'd heard they'd just began to run. Due to the previous nights rainfall, rivers were up, and salmon were down. Skunked again.

With great 6-8 foot waves crashing constantly less than a mile from Cap'n Bob's, we were guaranteed not to get skunked on the surf. We found two days of great waves and blue skies, ate some of Bob's famous clam chowder, and finished the loop back to Ashland through some of the world largest redwoods.

Next stop, 4 day raft/fish trip on the Rogue, and then, maybe, begin the search for winter employment.

Monday, August 29, 2011


Well we had another wild party at CWO this year to celebrate The 7th Annual Homegrown Amateur Photo/Video Contest. Thanks to everyone who participated and thanks to everyone who showed up a took shots of jager. Here are the winners from this year, congrats. . . .


1st Place // Melissa Hall
HG7 1st Place Artsy Fartsy Photos

2nd Place // Nick Gottlieb
HG7 2nd Place Action Photos

3rd Place // Ashley Keigan
HG7 3rd Place Artsy Fartsy Photos

Honorable Mention // Bill Clipper
HG7 HM Action Photos

Honorable Mention // Amanda Gladys
HG7 HM Action Photos


1st Place // Lauren Farrell
HG7 1st Place Artsy Fartsy Photos

2nd Place // John Abercrombie
HG7 2nd Place Artsy Fartsy Photos

3rd Place // Katie Cahn
HG7 3rd Place Artsy Fartsy Photos

Honorable Mention // Becky Huncilman
HG7 HM Artsy Fartsy Photos

Honorable Mention // Brynn Burton
HG7 HM Artsy Fartsy Photos


1st Place // Ben Perrin/Warren Williams

2nd Place // Sam Voight


1st Place // Craig Parks

2nd Place // Russell Hart

3rd Place // OJ

Honorable Mention // Zach Fraysier

Honorable Mention // Don Kinser/Milt Aitkin

Honorable Mention // Luke Scott

Honorable Mention // Will Oliver

Monday, August 15, 2011


So. . . entries for The 7th Annual Homegrown Amateur Photo/Video Contest are due in exactly 1 week. Hopefully you are putting the final touches on your 1st Place winning photo and/or video cause the clock is ticking, literally.

-> countdown to entry deadline <-

This year we have a ridiculous amount of Grade A prizes to give away thanks to the generous donations from a long list of empathetic sponsors. So, if you are not familiar, here are a couple of Frequently Asked Questions regarding the contest.

How do I know if I am an amateur?

If you regularly get paid as a photographer/videographer/boater of some sort you are not an amateur. If you have average or broke ass equipment and cannot afford to purchase the rights to the music you used in your video, then you are an amateur.

Can I submit more than one entry?

Absolutely - you can submit up to 3 entries per person per category, so technically you could submit 12 entries total, although that would be a little over the top, right?

Do I have to be present to win?

Nope. We will ship your prizes to your doorstep.

Whats the deal with the entry fee?

The entry fee helps us to cover some of the costs associated with throwing this thing plus this gets you an event Tshirt.

What time does the show start?

We have to wait for it to get dark for the projector to work, so the show starts a little after dark thirty. Though folks usually congregate to start getting liquored up around 5 or 6 pm. Its a good idea to come early to sign in, pick up your event Tshirt, do some shopping, and win some door prizes.

Can I bring my kids?

This event is PG-13 until dark. After dark your on your own. Expect drinking, cussing, mildly inappropriate behavior, and hopefully some nudity. So, whether or not you want to subject your children to that is entirely up to you.

Who evaluates the entries and picks the winnners?

The entries are evaluated by a panel of 3 unbiased judges. Working through all the entries is a long, hard, tedious job requiring a lot of patience. Stay tuned for more info on this later

Should I bring anything with me to the show?

Its a good idea to bring camp chairs and rain gear.

Ok, that should cover it. If you have any questions not covered here shoot us an email at and thanks in advance, this thing doesn't work without YOUR participation.

Prizes generously donated by . . .

Osprey, MSR, Astral, Chattooga Whitewater Outfitters, Shred Ready, Outdoor Research, Platypus, Seal Line, GoPro, Smartwool, Pyranha, Immersion Research, Aquabound Paddles, Thermarest, Gear Aid, prAna, Lunatic Apparel, NRS, The River Gypsies, Robinson Ex-Files, PotHole Paddles, Rapid Transit Video, Cottonmouth Nose Plugs, Mountain Hardwear, Stonyboater PaddleWax, SolGear, Urban Currents, Endless River Adventures, and of course teamscum

Friday, August 5, 2011


Hosting The 7th Annual Homegrown Amateur Photo/Video Contest is a hard job. Since the introduction of Jagermeister to the awards ceremony it has been nearly impossible to actually complete the task without the entire show falling to pieces. So this year we are implementing a new strategy ->> NICK + DANIEL co-host/tagteam the show. The only problem is Nick is a broke ass raft guide currently residing under a 2ox20 tarp on the banks of the Payette River in Idaho. He needs your help to get home.

Help us raise money to buy Nick a plane ticket so he can come home and MC The 7th Annual Homegrown Amateur Photo/Video Contest. Navigate to and donate a little cash towards the NPHG FUND 2011.

All donations get a sticker ->

iGave sticker

Donations of $20 or more get a Tshirt ->

iGave Tshirt


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

charley bartlett and his scummy ass subaru

when recently asked about the astonishing amount of empty beer cans, cigarette butts, wet smelly gear and general junk brewing in his subaru. charley proclaimed, "I'm an environmentalist". It makes me wonder what the hell they are teaching me in my quest for an environmental studies degree, maybe i should just take some lessons from him. I recently caught up charlie while surfing the junk pile on the way to gallimore road, figured i would snap a few shots. he might have a smelly ass subaru and drink beer faster then some of the most well known green river champs, but when he's in the ring with gorilla hes going big every time.

summa time and the livin's eazy!


Monday, July 4, 2011



In anticipation of The 7th Annual Homegrown Photo/Video Contest we are presenting BLAST FROM THE HOMEGROWN PAST. Four Saturday nights in July we'll be revisiting selected homegrown photos and videos from the last 6 years and blasting them up on the big screen for your viewing pleasure.





Tuesday, June 21, 2011

things seem smaller


If your heading to Idaho for peak spring flows with a crew composed of post-injury/recently recovered and severely out of practice paddlers, dont expect to go big cause that shits scary and you probably wanna be feeling frisky for that. However, you can expect to have a kick ass time. Traveling light armed only with an iphone and some borrowed kayaks, highlights (w/notable quotes) included:

- Paddling an often overlooked section of the South Fork Payette - spicy take-out rapid terminating in steamy hot springs with Captain Bob at the helm -> "Should we scout? Nope? OK, Bobs going? Whered he go?"

- Sleeping on a tarp in a cave on the owyhee while transitioning into the first days of summer -> Day 1: drysuit, cold breeze, Day 2: shorts + flip flops + too many hot cans of PBR = sunburn and a big smile -> "Beer me."

- A rowdy night in Boise partying with The Black Lips and The Banks Mag crew at Neurolux -> "Did you see the crowd attacking security at the show? Who threw that beer? Oh shit there are beers flying everywhere!"

Now back in WNC the summer is in full swing and things here seems smaller. . ."is the green running?" Hope you have been taking photos and video cause The 7th Annual HOMEGROWN Photo/Video Contest is scheduled for Sat Aug 27 ->> details coming real real soon -


Thursday, June 2, 2011

three rivers in three states in four days

memorial day is usually a mandatory work day for myself but not this year. Instead of being sidelined in the back of a raft on memorial day weekend i was able to sample some flow in the states of north carolina, west virgina, and maryland. Friday i splashed my face on the green river narrows, saturday i rode roller coaster waves on the new river, then sunday and monday i traversed currents on the upper youghiogheny river in maryland! Flows were ideal. this shit made me feel alive! Here it is as i saw it.

the new was at 8ft!
myself smoothing the line at national
photo: jackie selevan

Sunday, May 29, 2011

nick pabst is back, bitches . . .

Currently, I'm layed up under my 40 x 12 tarp with a busted back from paddling 150 miles in three days on the middle fork of the salmon river, but in a couple of days I'll be back on top, working for Cascade Raft outa Banks Idaho, home of the notorious Banks Mag and the constantly frightening North Fork of the Payette. No photos this time, as my camera is buried along the depths of six-mile creek in southern AK, but I'll fix that soon enough.
From my summer home, i.e., the farm (i.e. my tarp), I can catch a glimpse of otter slide rapid, a beastly warmup rapid of the north fork. A few miles downstream and we come to the confluence of the north and south forks, creating the main payette. Looks like its gonna be a good season, as there's 120% snow-pack and plenty of spring rain.

teamscum x the chattooga conservancy


As part of our SUPPORT SOUL program we are stoked to be donating 10% of sales from the 2011 'support soulful kayaking' T towards The Chattooga Conservancy's Stekoa Creek City Park and Stream Buffer Restoration Project.


Available in 2 mens/womens colourways, the 2011 SSK Tshirt is printed using non-toxic waterbased inks on a %100 organic cotton Tshirt with a seasonally dated neck label. You can pick one of these up for $25 at our online shop .


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

feelin' the flow

march has provided some fantastic flow in the southeast. I managed to get twenty days on the water this month alone, not half bad for a kid without a car. Check out some pictures of our recent trip to Overflow. I'm sticking around the southeast this summer and I'm fired up about it!
mark miller droppin' singley's

jonathan dale doin his thing at marginal

see you on the river this summer.
