Sunday, May 29, 2011

nick pabst is back, bitches . . .

Currently, I'm layed up under my 40 x 12 tarp with a busted back from paddling 150 miles in three days on the middle fork of the salmon river, but in a couple of days I'll be back on top, working for Cascade Raft outa Banks Idaho, home of the notorious Banks Mag and the constantly frightening North Fork of the Payette. No photos this time, as my camera is buried along the depths of six-mile creek in southern AK, but I'll fix that soon enough.
From my summer home, i.e., the farm (i.e. my tarp), I can catch a glimpse of otter slide rapid, a beastly warmup rapid of the north fork. A few miles downstream and we come to the confluence of the north and south forks, creating the main payette. Looks like its gonna be a good season, as there's 120% snow-pack and plenty of spring rain.


  1. I'll send some flow your way but only if you promise not to end up in Long Creek....Oregon.!

  2. I'll Send some flow your way but only if you promise not to end up in Long Creek...Oregon!!!
