Tuesday, July 12, 2011

charley bartlett and his scummy ass subaru

when recently asked about the astonishing amount of empty beer cans, cigarette butts, wet smelly gear and general junk brewing in his subaru. charley proclaimed, "I'm an environmentalist". It makes me wonder what the hell they are teaching me in my quest for an environmental studies degree, maybe i should just take some lessons from him. I recently caught up charlie while surfing the junk pile on the way to gallimore road, figured i would snap a few shots. he might have a smelly ass subaru and drink beer faster then some of the most well known green river champs, but when he's in the ring with gorilla hes going big every time.

summa time and the livin's eazy!



  1. Not everyone can fit in Hollywood, but there's room for this MovieStarTypeDude... I got a LongStroker shirt coming his way so someone tell him to hit me up...
